According to the site Beauty Total, a combination of common all-purpose flour, honey and warm water can help minimize the appearance of blackheads. This is meant to be used particularly on the nose, where the skin is prone to pores developing blackheads.
You’ll Need
1 Post-It Note (Cut into smaller pieces)
1 Teaspoon Warm Water
1 Teaspoon Honey
1 Tablespoon White Flour
Mix together the warm water, honey and white flour. Allow your pores to open up by washing your face with warm water first. Allow your flour to dry into a firm paste before applying to the back of the sticky note. Apply to your blackhead zones. According to Beauty Total, this is a sure-fire way to get rid of those pesky black dots!
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February 02, 2023
This is a great method for getting rid of stubborn blackheads.
Not having post-it notes,I used slim cotton strips cut from an old t-shirt that did the job quite nicely,and ohhhhh the grossness,but a much happier face!