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January 25, 2025 3 min read

What It's Like to Marry a Beekeeper: A Sweet Journey Full of Surprises

When I married my husband, David, I never could have predicted where life would take us. I assumed his career would follow the traditional real estate and property management path, but boy, was I wrong.

David became an accidental beekeeper—yes, you read that right. It all started when his coworker, Jim, asked if he could place a beehive on our farm. The deal was simple: Jim would care for the bees, and we'd get some honey in return. However, life had other plans for Jim, and when he couldn't take care of the bees, David, who knew absolutely nothing about beekeeping, decided to step in. At first, he just wanted to ensure the bees survived, but as he learned more about the fascinating world of bees, he quickly became captivated by the science behind it all.

Before long, David had become a full-fledged beekeeper.

Being married to a beekeeper is an experience like no other. From learning about bees to enjoying fresh honey, here's what you might expect:

1. You'll Learn A Lot About Bees

If you didn't know much about bees before marrying a beekeeper, prepare to become an expert! David often shares fascinating facts about bees' crucial role in our ecosystem. He loves to explain how they communicate, their social structures, and the vital importance of pollination. You may visit the hives, see bees in action, and even develop a deep appreciation for these tiny, hardworking creatures.

2. You Might Get Involved in Beekeeping, Too

Depending on the size of your partner's beekeeping operation, you may be called upon to help. Whether selling honey at local markets, maintaining the hives, or assisting with honey processing, you'll likely get your hands a little sticky! Helping with these tasks has been an excellent way to bond with David and learn more about the beekeeping world.

3. You'll Enjoy Some of the Best Honey

One of the sweetest perks of being married to a beekeeper is having access to the freshest, highest-quality honey. We're talking about honey straight from the hive, and it doesn't get much better than that. It's a treat I use in everything—from cooking and baking to simply enjoying a spoonful. Plus, you'll always have a unique gift for friends and family!

4. You Might Get Stung

Of course, being married to a beekeeper means there's a chance you might get stung—no matter how careful David is around the hives. While beekeepers try their best to avoid stings, they're sometimes inevitable. Thankfully, David is great at managing the hives, and we've learned how to handle the occasional sting. When I got stung once, David was there to help me through it—beekeepers are nothing if not resourceful!

5. You'll Support a Passion

Like any small business owner, beekeepers are incredibly passionate about their work. David truly loves what he does, and it's inspiring to see him pour his heart and soul into his beekeeping business. As his partner, it's been my privilege to support him every step of the way—whether lending a hand in the hives or helping with the logistics of selling honey. There's a real pride in being part of something meaningful and impactful.


Being married to a beekeeper has undoubtedly challenges, but it's been an enriching journey. It's a chance to learn about nature, support a passion, and enjoy some of the best honey. While there's a possibility of stings along the way, the sweet rewards are worth it! If you're ever lucky enough to marry a beekeeper, prepare for a life full of surprises, hard work, and delicious honey.

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